Steven R. Livingstone
Principal investigator
Tahmina Akhter
Respiration and emotion
Gorkem Vardar
Deep physiology of emotion
Gavin Bosman
PyFAME: A Python package for facial masking, colorization, and analysis
Douglas Conley
EMGFlow: A Python package for pre-processing and feature extraction of electromyographic signals
Dylan Rapanan
Emotional responses to virtual avatars
David Houle-tymeczko
Animating virtual models from speech
Aiju Kinoshita
Mapping speech to expressive avatars
Heisn Nithysingha
Classifying deep physiological emotions
Dev Thaker
Emotional events in computer programming
Supervised positions in parentheses
Nick Greene (MSc, Hons)
Biomarkers of emotion
Adeliz Keith (MSc)
Gaze-aware documents
Abinaya Jayanthi (Hons)
MetaBot: a meta-level chatbot agent
Tim Kern (Hons)
Classifying emotions in speech across languages
Joshua Trower (Hons)
Classification of depression from speech: A transfer learning approach
Tristan Ro (Hons)
Classifying American football coverage
Riley Swanson (UG)
Facial expressions meet big data
Matt Divertie (UG)
Developing a low-cost computer-based intervention for patients with Parkinson’s disease
Bohdan Synytskyi (UG)
PyOcclusion: A python package for adding occlusionary noise to videos
Syed Naqvi (UG)
Audiomorph: A python package for adding auditory noise
Zhenghao Liao (UG)
Facial Expression and Landmark Tracking (FELT) dataset